Friday, January 6, 2017


"I'm already including "connect" in daily thoughts as I go about the regular stuff of my life - asking myself how I'm connecting with this and that and especially focusing on what I can disconnect from (love the angle of including the opposite of my word)."
Ali Edwards

What can I disconnect from? I would like to disconnect my enjoyment of eating from guilt. So many of us struggle with food and the consequences of eating in an unhealthy way. I have this brain loop that thinks, I'm not feeling great,-------I should eat something. What if I re-connect to my thoughts like this; I feel good, I should eat something. That seems so weird. Food should make me feel better, right. But, it so often doesn't. If I ate with the prompt, I FEEL good, what would my experience feel like? I know what my mind would do. It would look for reasons why I do feel good, so that I could eat something. bad can that be? So I am rambling because I cannot solve this issue right now, but thanks for connecting with me on this blog. I will try to shift my connection.

 I have been writing with the Five Minute Friday Group for two years and I really enjoy the talented writers who share their work. Would you like to join us? 


  1. I love your play on words! Thank you for making a fellow rambler smile!

    1. Missy, I'm glad you smiled because I was light hearted about a sore subject.

  2. Love this. Sometimes we need to disconnect from certain things, don't we?

  3. I enjoyed your ramblings and also found them thought-provoking! It is interesting to connect our actions with the reasons we do them and think about how we can alter those if they're not helping us.

    1. Out of ramblings come intentions which may lead to better decisions.

  4. What a merry=go-round our brain is!
    i guess we should just enjoy the ride.

    1. It is nice to meet you Lesley. I loved your dot to do analogy of life.

  5. A nice post and oh what a quandry. I must have some definite food issues to dis-connect from because right away I was thinking "How could I ever say I feel good so I am going to eat when eating is so bad?" God gave us the ability to taste so many sides to food and He created food that tickles all of those taste sensors. Obviously eating should be a good thing. Loved your post. Stopped by from FMF. :)

    1. We all need to explore how we look at food.

  6. I had fun reading about your connected thoughts about food. Being self-aware is one way to break the "spell" of just about anything that has an unhealthy connection. That, and accountability.

    I have had an unhealthy habit of staying up too late and broke it by making it into a challenge between my college-aged son and me. If we went to bed on time, we didn't have to pay. If we stayed up late, we'd have to pay the other money. That broke it for me. I paid once over the holidays. When I did, it was by choice. I decided it was worth the money.

    1. Wow! Paying for breaking the challenge is a novel idea. BTW, you don't look old enough to have a son in college.


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