Friday, October 20, 2017

Can You Discover Connection On Social Media?

"Social media are helpful in cultivating connection only to the extent that they are used to create real community where there is structure, purpose, and meaning, and some face to face contact."

In these 31 Days of October I am unpacking my learning from the book, Braving The Wilderness, by BrenĂ© Brown. She has been a favorite author for years. In this new publication she manages to build a sidewalk and curb in the wilderness where we can bravely tread.

Social media has blessed my life. I use it to reconnect with family, friends, and to visit with a community of artists spread around the country. Last year I contacted an Instagram friend and asked her if I could meet her at her art show an hour away. She was gracious and kind and everything her posts displayed. One to one, an in person meeting was really encouraging to my own work as an artist.

Ironically, social media can also disconnect. Many times after looking at Facebook and Instagram I feel frustrated. If my own confidence is weak, seeing others succeed can pull me down. Or, reading the rants and frustrations of others can make me feel anxious when there is nothing amiss around me at the present time.

As BrenĂ© states at the end of chapter 5, "The point I want to make is that the joy didn't come from reconnecting on Facebook. It came and still comes from our long walks, family Ping-Pong and four square tournaments, and watching movies together. Facebook was the catalyst. Face to face was the connection."

Click here to go back to my table of contents to see the other posts from earlier dates.


  1. wow! it has been awhile since I was last here. i've been busy with Ron and 3 hospital stays this year for him:( i haven't gotten much written sadly. i'm doing a 31 day series on caretaking. we're next door neighbors at FMF today. sounds like this is a good book. maybe i'll get to it one of these days...won't happen real soon tho':( hope you are doing well.

  2. I've been surprised, especially in blogging, by how such deep connections can be formed with people I've never met in person, but I still agree that nothing beats real face-to-face communication. I just wish you weren't all so far away!


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