Friday, September 29, 2017

Depend On Me Writing For 31 Days In October

What shall I write about for 31 Days?

Two years ago BrenĂ© Brown's book Rising Strong was released in September. I gobbled it up. Then I slowly unpacked it as I wrote everyday, in October, about what I was learning from her words and the life experiences of people she interviewed. She is a research professor in Houston, Texas and has some very eye opening information about how we relate to others and ourselves.

It is September again, two years later, and her new book, Braving The Wilderness, is on my nightstand and the unpacking has begun. Join me, everyday in October, and let me encourage you to see how the quest for true belonging is possible. Read the book yourself to see what you think

This is my Title Page and Table of Contents. Come back here to catch up.

October 3- True Belonging

October 4- The Desire For True Belonging In the Wilderness

October 5- Trusting Yourself In The Wilderness 

October 6- A Story of Two Sides

October 7- Loneliness

October 8- People Are Hard To Hate Close Up. Move In.

October 9- Beware of dehumanizing images and language

October 10- Conflict Transformation

October 11- There's No Going Back

October 12- Listening To Understand

October 13- An Invitation To Find Truth

October 14- You Are Either With Me Or You Are My Enemy

October 15- Being Civil

True belonging is what we all yearn for and what we mistakenly think should come form others.


  1. This sounds great, Gabriele! I enjoyed your Rising Strong series- look forward to reading more!

  2. I'll look forward to what you share! Not sure I'll write all 31 days, but I'm gonna give it a go. Last year I failed miserably. This year I'm using Kate's prompts AND I'm determined to work on my book every day in October too.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Sounds like a great plan for writing everyday in October--well, I plan to write also but on one project that I need to focus on. So I will just try to keep up my blog on a weekly basis. I am not familiar with the author, Brene Brown, but the book sounds interesting.

  4. I'm looking forward to your October journey and checking back in. I love her work too. And fall always feels like the time for introspection like that!

  5. I have one of her books on my "to read" pile. Sounds like a great series.

  6. Yay! I am your "five minute... 31 day neighbor" this year! LOVE Brene Brown... I've read "Daring Greatly" and watched every youtube clip of her I could find. Looking forward to the journey ahead.

  7. I've always believed that (the Brene Brown quote above). Wise words.


What do you think?