Tuesday, October 24, 2017


"The only thing we know for certain is that on this quest into the wilderness we'll need to learn how to navigate the tension of many paradoxes."

In these 31 Days of October I am unpacking my learning from the book, Braving The Wilderness, by Brené Brown. She has been a favorite author for years. In this new publication she manages to build a sidewalk and curb in the wilderness where we can bravely tread.

In it's Greek origins, paradox is the joining of two words, para (contrary to) and dokein (opinion). If all life were fair, equal, and same for everyone it would be easier, right? Or is spiritual maturity found in the embracing of opposites? Two opposites cannot be true at the same time, or can they?  

I can't be just and swift to right wrongs and be full of compassion amd mercy? I can't feel so tightly connected that my heart swells and also feel so utterly alone? I can't speak my truth and still listen to the opposite point of view patiently? Or is it true that belonging comes when I can navigate the paradox without losing faith. I have many questions about paradox. I will leave myself space to consider and experiment. 


Click here to go back to my table of contents to see the other posts 


  1. I've read about dual thinking, and if I am right then you must be wrong. In embracing paradox it might allow for more understanding. Excellent posting today, and one that should invite more thought. Happy Birthday by the way!

  2. Definitely thought-provoking! It brings to mind the description of Jesus at the start of John's Gospel- "full of grace and truth". I always find that intriguing.


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