Friday, March 11, 2011

The Rhythm of My Day 7

To act or be acted upon; that is the question. In many of the activities we choose in Swingset we act upon the children by defining what they will do; we direct their activity. But in every class we choose something that allows them to act as they see fit. Those are called free movement or free play. 
This week we had a Bedtime theme. At one point we put out the parachute, some stuffed animals and said it was bedtime; time to tuck in their toys. I love seeing how they act. Some older children will immediately pretend and others will watch first to understand what is going on.
Free movement is a mystery. How will this activity turn out?
The balls came out this week. This is such an opportunity to witness social interaction. Everyone wants their own ball but they also want to see the ball go back and forth. What a dilemma.
S. feels such joy when she gets the ball.
We love this time with your children. They make us want to be better adults because of their example. There is no better place than the floor at Swingset Music and Movement.

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