Friday, June 9, 2017


         What can I really expect of myself?
  I publicly accepted a challenge. As part of an online piano teaching class, I announced that I would learn the Bach Two Part Invention No.8 in ten days. So what do I expect of myself? 

  I expect:

  1. My practice time will be limited
  2. I will have to set the fingerings from day one
  3. I will have to slow my tempo down to play without mistakes
  4. I will feel discouraged with fingers that move with less agility than when I was younger
  5. Some measures will be smooth as silk and others will bump and often crash
  6.  I will have many, many repetitions with mistakes
  7. I will get discouraged at day six
  8. I will learn to love this piece with every fiber of my being

This process is not so different from my relationship with Jesus Christ. I am limited, I need a strong foundation of ways to connect to him, I will often feel discouraged as I make less than stellar choices, and I will learn to love him with every fiber of my being if I give myself to Him.

 I have been writing with the Five Minute Friday group for three years and I really enjoy the talented writers who share themselves each week.


  1. That does sound like a challenge, but I'm sure it will be good experience! Both practising music and following Jesus definitely take perseverance but they're worthwhile in the end.

  2. I love this analog! Excited for you!

  3. great analogy:) love your post today. i'm at 63. yes, i play the piano too, but didn't have to memorize music. i accompanied for church music and played for fun at home. your goal sounds lofty. you go girl!


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