Yesterday I was accused, by unnamed sources close to me, of being obsessed with my computer time. I thought of an immediate justification, so that is a red flag that perhaps I am. Could I live without a computer for a week? would be stressful at first. I think my monkey brain would keep trying to find a solution to get it back. What can I live without? Whenever we lose electricity in the winter I experience that feeling of "back to basics". It is novel, at first, to be self-sufficient, but three days in and I feel deprived of life sustaining activities.This discussion reminds me of my grandson, J.

He can not live without his dog. No, really, he has a melt down without his trusty pooch. When I knock on his door, he comes to greet me and thrusts his dog at me first so that I acknowledge his best friend. I have a dog which looks similar to his at home and it seems okay to leave the real one behind knowing that the substitute is waiting, so it isn't just one particular dog, no, it is the breed that he values so much. The Beagle is his choice,
He has one more obsession.
He has to wear his spider-man shirt, all the time. Rain or shine, all the time.
What does he know about spider-man? He knows very little. He doesn't read comics, hasn't seen the movie, he is only two, so where did he get the fascination?
It must be the image alone that peaks his imagination. I wonder what the image means to him? Perhaps strength, power, control, and these may be why I love my computers. This is a scary, insecure world. Tools help us cope with the randomness of unforeseen events. I know it isn't real; that my computer world is fleeting and not essential to my salvation, but I do like to imagine that you are out there and care what I think. I'll be back, rain or shine.