Are you a Zoobie? Someone who loves going to the zoo and goes often enough to know the names of the animals and their particular habits. I would like my grandchildren to be Zoobies.
I have a grandparent pass that allows five grandchildren free admission each time I go. We often go in shifts and mix families.
The two elephants there are awesome. The keepers have told me they defer to all their particular tastes.
Here is a sample of breakfast. Organic and wholesome; it should be my breakfast, as well.
And God created all creeping things on the face of the earth…..
To meet the measure of their creation...
And have joy therein.
This 1000 pound Polar Bear was joyful in the water with his ball. I loved his gigantic tooshie!
Our zoo has a baby Sumatran tiger born in April.
Kali was only the third born in North America this year.
I purchased a little stuffed tiger to remind us of our visit to Kali. Gabi is in love.
The older cousins have a love and patience for the youngest in our pack.
I love their kindness and special caring way.
It was especially nice to have our Auntie from Dallas along.
To be a Zoobie is a good thing; it keeps me hoppin'.