“Try to go a whole seven days without having to control everything, without stressing when things don't work out as you thought they would or should. As you do this, any time you feel the need to take charge, try to relax out of it, just to see what happens. Look for the good that happened precisely because things didn't work out the way you thought they would or should."
Wabi Sabi by Beth Kempton
Before the world opens up again from a global lockdown perhaps we need to ask ourselves a few questions.
How was life unfolding for you in January 2020?
I was recovering from breast cancer surgery. My spring months ahead held appointments to start cancer treatments.
What changed for you in March 2020?
As I sat in a long session with a Physician's assistant March 13th I looked at her and watched her eyes over her mask. I was wearing a mask as well. My husband insisted on it. I asked her whether I should postpone treatment. What was going to happen in the next months? She thought it would all work out if I went ahead.
I postponed. I did a radical overhaul on my health during March, April and May.
I kept up with a weight loss started in October 2019. By mid May I was done 35 pounds.
I changed to a plant based diet.
I walked 40 minutes everyday instead of just some days.
While the world was stopping I was moving forward in new ways, trying to restore my confidence in my body.
What lessons will you carry with you into the Summer and Fall of 2020?
Nature shows us that we don't have to rush. Some seeds can be planted in April, May, even in June. But there is a window and if the window is missed then the seed doesn't have time to germinate.
The summer season is my time to resume cancer treatments. While the warmer weather slows down the Covid-19 virus I will take on some intense chemo therapy to fight the cells that may still have a place to replicate.
I'm glad I didn't rush.
I'm ready.
For me the morning ritual of prayer, scripture study, and meditation will stay intact. My walks in nature will steady my perspective. The world lockdown allowed me to watch and wait. It happened for my benefit. How about you?