Friday, January 21, 2011

The Rhythm of My Day

 I started my Swingset classes this week. My partner and I are always in a bit of a rush to finalize the curriculum and get materials ready. We feel a bit stressed the first day.
This is what the room looks like when we arrive. Toys and equipment are set up for Playgroup.
           This is what it must look like before the children come. Everything must be moved to the edges and covered. We hope to keep their attention on our musical activities for almost an hour.
      The class this semester will be very good. I love all the classes we do but I could tell this will be very special. It is a combination the chemistry of the families and the material we choose. There were moments during this class where I lost myself and I was caught up in the middle of these beautiful children.

This sweet little girl has been with us for a year. She is often shy about expressing herself. To my complete delight today she participated with full knowledge of what was coming next which tells me she has been doing everything in her head all along. Quoting Kim Thal, my partner in this wonderful "crime";
 "Did you know that these early songs also have an impact on other areas of learning? In particular, the blending of music and movement taps into many other arenas of important childhood development. Free movement enhances large-motor skills, while using child-sized instruments and doing finger-plays with rhyming songs challenge children's fine motor skills as well. Bounces stimulate the vestibular systems of children, contributing to healthy vision, movement, balance and even immune response."
How lucky I am to be on the floor again with a terrific group of children and parents, and grandparents, and care-givers........


  1. Wow, you sound super busy with your music and teaching seminary(?) and yoga and ......
    Where do you teach your mom/tot classes at? I would love to find another location for classes. I teach one class at a retired citizens apartment complex that is super fun! We make music with the "grandmas and grandpas" who live there.

  2. We have used three different venues. A dance studio, a church activity room, and now a facility owned by a youth and family services organization. The building is used primarily for pre-school activities, downstairs is home to a co-op pre- school, and family workshops. It fits us perfectly and I hope the grants they live on keep them alive. Thanks for posting, Cathy.


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