Friday, August 5, 2011

The Walk Around Christensen Pond

  My husband and I were supposed to go on a road trip this week.. We were going to drive 800 miles in two days. Instead we jumped in the car and drove 4 miles to enter a small hole in the trees just off the road. The reasons for not going had to do with car trouble and lack of faith that the car would get there. It did make it the five miles to the woods.

This is hike No.2 around Christensen Pond. I am using a book just out which describes some family walks around my town. Hike No.1, was through the middle of the Burton Peninsula. This was a short one, perfect for my young Grandkids, .7 miles long. The trail wound around a little pond. 

The farther into the woods we went the more quiet every thing became. I could hear the bees and flies and the sounds were settling instead of jarring. The closer we came to the pond the more birds we heard.

 The pond itself was abruptly visible. The water shimmered with early morning sunlight. It was a mirror to the trees and sky above.
There are so many woodsy areas around my town that I have been desensitized to the beauty of the woods. I found myself intent to see the uniqueness of this particular place. On the last walk the children focused on berries. They were less plentiful here.
There were many more berries on the east side of the pond. 

Thimble berries and wild blackberries have a very different flavor. Thimble berries have a drier, woodsy taste. The most purple ones are the ripest.
I was interested in some yellow lichen growing on a stump. it had the appearance of little flowers.

This trail had a little bridge to cross. I will tell my Grandkids to look for it along the way.

This little adventure was the perfect bridge from the disappointment of one plan lost and another option opening up. I will miss the opportunity to visit with family but I look forward to having adventures close to home.

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