Friday, January 5, 2018


“Obligers may find it difficult to form a habit, because often we undertake habits for our own benefit, and Obligers do things more easily for others than for themselves. For them, the key is external accountability.”

Gretchen Rubin, Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives

Five Minute Friday motivates me to write. I wish I could say I write without an outward motivation, but I can't. I move more easily and with commitment with outward accountability. I suppose God knows that about me. That reason alone makes the word covenant, sacred.

  In our relationship, God promises me his spirit and I promise to always remember him. I am motivated to start the day and end the day, in Him. I can forget, rebel, and ignore but he draws me back because of his outstretched hand. 
   I feel that God wants me to write. This November I jumped into writing a novel, I joined NaNoWriMo, and I felt his gentle nudge. The book is about a detective, a Christian, who is investigating a murder. Not compatible? She has some compelling reasons. I really like her. 
   God works with people who motivate themselves, with those who need outward accountability, with those who rebel, and even with those pesky questioners. His gospel encompasses every personality.

   “What are your plans tomorrow?” Reggie asked. 
   “I will sleep in and go to church with my mother.”
   “That’s right, I forget that you are a believer. No offense meant, but I don’t understand how you can see what we see day in and day out and still believe in a God.”
   Stevie replied slowly. “It is preciously why I believe. God is my hope that this messed up world has some redeeming value. I believe in the power of God to save, even the hardened criminal who forfeits his right to be free.” Stevie laughed at Reggie’s expression. “There you have my sermon and it isn’t even Sunday.”


  1. I find outward motivation helps a lot too. FMF is great at providing motivation to write. I like the quote from "Rubato" too.

  2. Your novel sounds fascinating Gabriele! One of these years I'm going to jump into NaNoWriMo. You've motivated me to get working!

  3. I mean, YAY TO YOU. So glad we are parked next to one another today. Your post motivated me!!!

    1. Thanks, Susan. You are a motivation yourself.

  4. Wow! What a huge, brave thing you are doing jumping in to NaNoWriMo and a novel. That definitely takes motivation even if it's in the form of a quiet nudge.

    1. It doesn't feel brave until I realize you might read it.

  5. Great share. I agree that while God is my motivation, outward things can be motivators as well. And sometimes, they need to be. We are human, after all. :) Thanks for sharing a great post. - Lori, FMF #32

  6. I agree with you on knowing God wants me to write. Not a great writer, but doing it for Him hopefully blessing others as they read, and leaving a legacy for my kids and grandkids.


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