Monday, February 26, 2018

Consistency Versus Quality

Doing Something Every Day, No Matter What?

My meditation app had a sunburst circle in which the number ninety-seven was pulsing. Ninety-Seven days of sequential meditation. Then I got sick. I was so disappointed when that streak was disrupted simply because I forgot. The morning I started over with a new 'day one' I realized that my pride was caught up with that number. I was equating consistency with quality.

Although consistency provides more opportunity for quality it isn't the same as having a fully conscious meditation session everyday. My goal hasn't changed. I am just starting over. There is 'umkehr' to my meditation practice. I may start over again one day when I reach 150 days of consistent practice. That is alright. I am looking for awareness of what meditation offers to my sense of peace not just being one hundred percent consistent.

And, I thank-you for reading my mystery novel, Rubato. Judith, a piano teacher extraordinaire, makes a decision which, upon reflection, changes the lives of others and ends her own life. Detectives Stevie Dangerfield and Reggie Watts investigate her death and find musical intrigue that started in Eastern Europe.

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