Friday, September 26, 2014


   I get asked; "Why are you doing all this artsy schmartzy stuff at this stage of your life? BECAUSE, I have wanted to do this all my life but the gremlins of comparison, shame, and "not good enough" set in to roost about third grade.

    It is no different with writing. The Five Minute Friday group I write with are practicing this art form BECAUSE they need to have a platform to express themselves. We are wired for connection and one way to connect is to write, draw, paint, play music, or dance. There are others not listed here but I think I made my point. We need this to make sense of our lives.

    We need this to metabolize the ideas that flood our heads. It becomes a way to understand what we thought we knew. The pages here are a little project I started with my artist friend who suggested we take little second hand board books and alter them to be a journal of ideas.

   I knew I wanted another journal to synthesize the writings of Brené Brown. Her words have ricocheted off my brain over and over. So, these first three pages represent the Gifts of Imperfection, courage, compassion, and connection. I see every day that when I accept the imperfect in myself and others I am much more humane.

I write on Fridays with a large group who inspire me. Only five minutes and without much thought to perfection. I write, prompted by one word that sends my thoughts to the keyboard and hopefully make


  1. This is great! I agree about needing a creative way to communicate and to sort out our own thoughts. Your pages are lovely. I've heard of altering books, but never thought about using old board books. Great idea!

  2. I really appreciate what you are exploring here...I too have taken up art in my second half of life...I started getting books from the library, then took an online course and then launched an art business teaching and encouraging others to discover their created self...I look forward to seeing more of your expressions here as I follow your blog...check out my blog and my art
    Happiness to you- Kel

  3. I love that you love making art. Keep it up!

  4. Wonderful! Creativity is like oxygen for me...I can definitely relate!
    Judith Evans

  5. This is a wonderful post. I can so relate to what you have written here. I am grateful everyday for finding Brenè Brown's course which in turn has lead me to following your creative work. You are inspirational. Keep up the awesome work.

  6. I don't feel there is ever an 'end date' or a 'best time of life' to take on any creative pursuit -- or any pursuit for that matter. When we are able to or wish to, that's when we should do it. Bravo for following your inner desires.


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