Friday, September 14, 2018


In quiet moments when you think about it, you recognize what is critically important in life and what isn't. Be wise and don't let good things crowd out those that are essential. 

Richard G. Scott

What is essential?

Loving freely those in front of me is essential. 

I worry about fixing past mistakes and somehow finding the magic words to make right all that has gone wrong. 
That is not my job.
I can do right in this moment, say kindness about today, listen with my whole heart.

The Savior of my soul can go back in time and fix the ruts in my road. He can console those I have hurt and bring joy to their lives. He can speak peace to their hearts and help me show up when it is time to ask their forgiveness. 

I just need to be sure that I hear Him calling so I don't let the good crowd out the essential.


  1. So easily for HIM to get crowded out of our busy world.

  2. Wonderful quote. Don't think I've read that one before - thanks for sharing. Need to thoughtfully consider what is "essential" in my life and heart.

  3. Such wise words! "I just need to be sure that I hear Him calling so I don't let the good crowd out the essential.'
    Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I like the quote! It's true, there are so many good things that demand our time and attention. It is important to seek God for what is essential and what is best and not to let those things be crowded out.


What do you think?