Monday, April 13, 2020

Unused Creativity Is Not Benign

Creating is really important, you know. It has very little to do with being good at something. It is more about whole-hearted living.   

Years ago I started working on a project. It started with a little nudge from a fellow blogger to try my hand at making a family video. I wanted to document the experience of teaching piano lessons to some of my own grandchildren. Then a piano student came to lessons with a piece of music stuck in his head. I didn't know it myself but found it on U-Tube. While I was writing him a little simplified version I found the music captured me, too and it became the soundtrack to my video idea. My family endured my amateur filming and with just my Apple products I started creating. 

Creating is really important, you know. It has very little to do with being good at something. It is more about whole-hearted living. What do I mean by that? Putting your heart into a project gives you a space to feel connected with your imagination, your insights, and your intuition. You can open yourself to seeing with new eyes.

  "Creativity has to be cultivated. Unused creativity is not benign, it matastizes. It turns into grief, judgement, sorrow, and shame. We are divine beings and we are by nature creative." Brene Brown

    "Although the principle of doing new things to achieve new results applies in many areas of life, the underlying quality is the same. It is creativity. Creativity is what allows us to see things in a new way. We can enhance our ability to think creatively by engaging in pursuits that are different from our normal activities."
    "Search for feelings that prompt you to try something new yourself, and if they are not there strive to generate them. Try art, poetry, prose, music, dance, photography, clothing design, or anything you haven’t done before. Otherwise you may never know the thrill of personal creativity nor enter the doors it opens to insight, enjoyment, and wonder"
Elder Richard G. Scott 

   Here is the video I created about going to teach my little grands. I call it The Summer of My PianoTeaching

My word for 2020 is Restore. I believe I am using my creative energy to restore myself during this Pandemic crisis.



My novel The Gymnopédist

A riveting murder mystery about a young musician who also loves tightrope walking. When he falls from a tightrope stretched across his hometown buildings, detectives Stevie Dangerfield and Reggie Watts look at his struggling family to find someone who might have wanted him dead.

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