Monday, June 6, 2016

Mindful Monday- Mindful Of God

     It is June. In January when I roughly sketched out twelve ideas of what I wanted to become more mindful of, I chose June to explore how I could become more aware of God in my life. It sounded important and I certainly did not have a plan for how I would go about this important endeavor. Here is where I will start.

   I want to travel an inner path towards feeling more of the presence of Jesus Christ.

I am not entirely sure where this path will take me but this is my intention. Creating sacred space, just for Him, inside my heart is the goal. An image of the underground life nourishing the roots comes to mind. Above ground the world is unaware of the light and life going on underneath.
Here is another image to explain my thoughts.

I believe we walk an outer path in our worship of Christ and an inner path. In my experience, the inner path supports and gives purpose to the outer path. This month I want to learn more about my inner path, my inner life, so that I can serve others more compassionately. I believe that will happen.

                       June is a month to be more mindful of God. 
              You can read more about my Year of Mindfulness here.


  1. Great focus for the month- it's always good to be more aware of God and mindful of his work in our lives. Your picture and your comment about the underground life nourishing the roots makes me think of some of my favourite Bible verses- Jeremiah 17:7-8 “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank,with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green,and they never stop producing fruit." It's so true that by strengthening our inner life and connection with God that will produce results "above the ground."

    1. That is a beautiful translation of Jermiah. Thank-you for sharing that.


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