Thursday, May 5, 2011

Remembering the Recital

Families pile out of their cars and head for the front door of the church. It's recital day and time to begin. I greet them at the door and look into their eyes to see if they are nervous or just hyped up. A few complain they feel sick, most are ready to get it over with. I always start on time and say a few words of thanks to parents and friends who render aid and support to the beginning pianist. Then they come up one at a time and I am always surprised by their poise under pressure. I appreciate all the wonderful families I serve and come to know. Please don't be offended if I did not get your picture. I just got sidetracked. I still remember you and include you here.

Support from best friends
Reminded us to turn cell phones off
Chopin was on the program
Sang and played her own composition
Beatles fan
On the pew waiting
The sisters warm-up
Sonatina with two movements
First Recital
The Dancing Queen
She played it just "The Way It" was

Tiger comes along to watch
She's a charmer of snakes

N. and I. are prepared and ready
A. remembers to share goodies

He is our jazz player
Three through the Door
Pink Panther Rocked

Alla Turca makes it's debut

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Gabrielle! Thank you for posting and sharing.

    -Anne Atwell


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