Friday, February 10, 2017


"I feel so safe and happy because my feelings of peace come from family love."
As A Child Of God

Twice a month I substitute as the chorister in Primary, our church children's meeting on Sunday. Sign language is a active way to help children be attentive when learning a new song. Last week I taught the sign for "safe" in the context of the song, "As A Child Of God". As we moved our bodies into this sign and at the same time vocalized the words, "I feel so safe", I looked out into the crowd of children. I saw children who have loving parents and desire with all their hearts to help their children feel safe. I saw adopted children of many colors who come from many countries whose new parents made huge sacrifices to bring these little ones into a safe home. I saw children who have a single parent, who suffer with safety issues themselves, sing these words and I knew they understood what a blessing it is to be safe. I am humbled by the power of God to encircle us with love and bring us safely into his care. I don't always feel safe, but this feeling comes from fears and doubts not actual danger. May you be safe, may you have peace.

 I have been writing with the Five Minute Friday Group for more than two years and I really enjoy the talented writers 


  1. This was powerful, as I read, I felt the room feel the need for this word especially for their little faces. Glad to be your FMF neighbor, #31.

  2. Lovely post- it is so important for children to feel safe and for all of us to know that our safety is found in God.

    1. Yes, knowing God is our true safety is the best comfort.

  3. I got such a sweet picture of the children and families you described feeling safe in God's love. The only provider of true safety.

    1. Thank-you, Debby. I love seeing their faces.


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