Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Amazing Grace

My granddaughter and I had a "5" day last week. We did things in multiples of 5 to celebrate her birthday.
The Knitting Queen went with us. Our 1st stop was to The Little House. The store was filled with valentines and there we purchased little pink candies for decorating. Betty threw in some edible silver hearts from France, for free. 
The number 2 place was Cafe Luna where we had hot chocolate. My granddaughter ordered hot chocolate without milk? Go figure. That was not on the menu.
The third place was Books By the Way. There we met Lucy, whose mother was reading from her book next door. Her mother is a famous author.
Place No. Four was the Bookshop where we bought a teeny, tiny, book about living pants that followed people around. It was scary, weird but had a good ending.
Here we are in the 5th place, on the aisle in Thriftway where bins of candy line the wall. We bought three more, small (did you get that Mom) bags of candy to add to the two kind of candies we got at the Little House. Does that equal 5?
The next day, GG, helped out in the kitchen where we made dinner for her parents who came to pick her up.
Happy Birthday, dear granddaughter, you have grown a lot in five years. XOXO!

1 comment:

  1. That's fantastic!!! We so appreciate the love you share with our/your little Grace. It's a shame they can't still little forever.


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