Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eye Candy

We have a quilting store here in town. I am amazed that we have as many quilters here as we do. Those who love to create with cotton fabric, wool yarns, and other luscious textiles adore this store. I adore it for a second reason; the sheer power of eye candy.
If you want to give your eyes a treat come gaze at the rainbow of colors organized with an artist's perspective.
 I wander through the rooms thinking blue is my favorite, then red grabs me and I am emboldened by it's passion, only to be entreated by yellow, to be mellowed by the warmth of the warm light it sends forth.
Being a pianist I really think black and white are classy. I found a collection of music fabric which makes me want to sew again. I could do music bags for all my students. But, wait, I'd have to raise my prices to offer that value-added product.
I so admire the showcase of handmade quilts displayed as works of art, which they are, of course.
The Knitting Queen and I go into the store for the yarn which has appeal to the eyes but also to the touch. I seem to choose the soft silk yarns every time.
I don't know how many scarves I really need but I crochet them for the sensory experience more than the final product.
Here is the ball of yarn that captured me last time. While I crochet I watch it change from lime green, to spring green, to forest green, to tan, to taupe, to brown, and then back again.
Well, suffice it to say, the Island Quilter is a gallery for the most discriminating eye and the owners are full of enthusiasm and good will.
I will leave you with some humour.

Why did the hog farmer give up knitting?

He didn't want to cast his purls before swine!

A piece of yarn walks into a bar and orders a beer, but the bartender snarls, "We don't serve your kind here!". The yarn is forced to leave.

While sitting on the curb feeling sorry for himself, the yarn is suddenly hit with a brilliant idea. Working quickly, he ties himself into a knot and unravels his ends. Taking a deep breath, the yarn marches back into the bar and orders a beer.

"Hey!" says the bartender. "Ain't you that piece of yarn I just threw outta here?"

"Nope," replies the yarn, "I'm a frayed knot."

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