Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How Do You Love Your Body?

This Sunday in Relief Society, a women's organization I belong to, I brought up the topic of body image. We were talking about our health code called "The Word of Wisdom". I wanted to share my feelings about the negative talk I give myself about this body in which I live.
What? Me, not love my body?  It is true.  My body has always been bigger than I imagined it was in my head. But, it is time for me to let go of society's perceived notion that I must look a certain way to be valued. I live in a culture where the word perfection is tossed around with little understanding of the real definition. In the Bible the word perfect comes from a Greek word which has the meaning, complete, finished, fully developed. When Jesus says,"Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect", he is not commanding us to perform, he is inviting us to allow him to finish or complete us with his mercy and grace. Society judged Jesus as uncomely, unremarkable, so outward appearance did not bring him love and loyalty from his disciples. 
Knowing this, is one thing, but feeling it's truth is another. My pathway to coming to know my body is through mindfulness. I am trying to pay attention to what it tells me. The more I listen and honor it's messages the more I hear the voice of the Spirit. How does that work? The body gives messages dealing with right now, the present. It does not futurize, or rehash the past. So a message to rest is something that is needed now. If I choose to listen, I also choose to be present in the "now" realm. That is the perfect place for my spirit to be if I want to hear the word of the Lord. Now he can get my attention because my mind is not cooking up what is going to happen or harboring thoughts of the past.
Another example might be my body telling me that I am full. If I choose to pay attention and quit eating I invite the feeling of satisfaction to be present. And then the door is open for the spirit to testify that I have all I need. I am whole in the present. I am blessed right now. Gratitude can flood my body as I allow my mind to grasp that I am loved and God is giving me all I need. That is the feeling of perfection and it has nothing to do with how I look, but everything to do with what I am.
Another example, right now my body feels anxious when I think about Saturday morning. If I listen, my body is telling me it needs to slow my breathing and relax. As my breathing deepens I let the thoughts about Saturday parade before my mind. I am not performing a piano piece, or giving a lecture. I am leading a group of women who I don't know in a beginning yoga practice. My gut is clenching. Breathe..... I am not pretending to be a yoga teacher. I am not pretending to be a physical example of yoga training, but I am encouraging these ladies to consider yoga as a pathway to connecting to the body. I can do that because I believe it is true. So, relax. I will do fine. a scripture pops into my head.
D&C 93:33 "For man is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy;
And when separated, man cannot receive a fulness of joy.
The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple."

The spirit is teaching me to honor and make sacred this body. It will carry me through this life and will be mine again in the glorified form I choose.
So is it good enough? It is just right for me now and can be better if I listen to it's teachings.

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