Friday, May 17, 2013

Six Habits To Happiness- Create

    I simply must create in my life. Even as I write this I cringe because it sounds very lofty and artistic. We speak often about being creative and I know very few people who claim to be creative. Perhaps we narrow the path of creativity to the arts alone. With such a narrow interpretation few of us fit the term creator. But, I like the interpretation the Hebrew Bible gives of creation, which is simply to organize. Whenever we take materials and organize them into a different form, we create.
   "The creative journey is characterized not by a muzzy and hazy retreat from reality but by the continual sorting and reordering and structuring of reality into new forms and new relationships." (Julia Cameron, Walking in this World, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2002, p. 137) 

   My symbol of create is a mother and child. I love the symbol because my creations often follow the birth process.  They are conceived, grow in a fetus-like way, and finally make the painful appearance into life. In years past I was very quick to conceive ideas. I had folders full of great plans but no follow through. Now with more time to myself, I am finishing what I start and pushing through the difficult stages of production. 
   Upon choosing these Six Habits To Happiness an idea formed to create a physical representation of this concept. I wanted something in my house to remind me every day. I chose a tree and upon that I displayed representations of my fruits of happiness. I see this tree as I teach piano. I know when I have tasted of each of the fruits throughout my day. 

   My bread baking is another one of these endeavors. I wanted to learn how to make artisan bread. Several good books gave me step by step instructions and tips. I made two loaves a day for many weeks, giving away what we couldn't eat. Each time I baked I tried different techniques and finally found the right recipe with the taste and texture I like. The process is like a meditation now. I have everything memorized. It is for me, a creative outlet.
  Blogging feeds the creative soul within me. I write with an audience of loving friends in mind.  Not to become popular but to share what life is like for me. Some of my ideas are worth sharing because they meet the needs of others. Two and a half years ago I had no idea that I would continue writing my blog for this long. 
I need some creating every day, along with prayer, study, service,
moving, and the last habit to  be revealed soon. 

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