Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Stories We Tell

"One of the truisms of wholehearted living is you either walk into your story and own your truth or you live outside your story, hustling for worthiness." 

    As human beings we all want to be the hero of our story. I like to think I did the right thing at the right time and if even for a moment I catch a glimpse of the truth, that I have betrayed myself somewhere along the way, my mind finds justification for the failure. Why, just last week, I was forced to see a truth. Gasp! I wrote about it in my FMF post entitled, "Doubt". It is a small example, but it came during a time when I was open to owning the truth that there are things that I just don't care to deal with. Cleaning out my cupboard so that things can be functional is really low on the "to do" list. So I stuff containers in any crevice and shut the door quick. I fool myself into believing that my cupboard is fine until…..a flying tea tin hits the kitchen floor. And you know, if the tea tin hadn't realeased when my husband opened the door I would have been fine. But, he saw my failing. I could not stay the hero in that story.

"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do".

   The cupboard story is a perfect parable. If I truly want to be wholehearted I am going to need to clean my cupboards, otherwise I'll be dancing the "hustle". Do you know the hustle? It is that two step you do when you can't do or say what you really mean because you want to be liked more than you want to be honest. I have done a good amount of hustling since I was a little girl. I was the baby and the only girl in my family. My brothers say I was spoiled and I agree but in that spoiling I learned to please. Pleasing others was good because it allowed me to get what I needed. It also tied my heart into compartments. Jesus calls that double mindedness and it creates instability, emotionally, and physically. On my journey to wholeheartedness I will need to stop hustling and be more willing to own my story. More on stories tomorrow. Today is the Sabbath and a day for listening.

     I am joining Kate Motaung and others who are writing every day in October. My intention is to record my reactions and feelings about Brené Brown's newest book, "Rising Strong". You can find the other posts I have written here.


  1. I just started Rising Strong in the wee hours this morning. I've already highlighted a section in the introduction! ;) Your art piece is perfect. That's an image we need to have in front of us because we all have our stories and one isn't better than any other. Good post, Gabriele.

  2. Thank-you, Debbie. I am so very happy that you are reading Rising Strong. I'd love to know more of your thoughts when reading, good and bad,

  3. I can definitely relate to needing to please. Mine came more out of being the oldest and always wanting my parent's approval. You are correct in owning your own truth and story. Once you embrace the imperfectness

  4. Of yourself you can really start to move forward. I need to get a copy of her book.

    1. Shari, the principles talked about in Rising Strong are certainly common to mankind.

  5. Littles are back at school and I'm waiting for an appointment so I finally have time to read and comment! (Expect bulk comments!) Love the way you identify that hustling leads to double-mindedness. It's when we do the serious work of picking apart - honestly - our emotions (and responses) that we achieve the most beneficial advances for ourselves, making ourselves strong enough to move forward, renewed.


What do you think?