Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Delete And Frog

31 Days Of October

There needs to be a motive for creating a hole or the hole becomes a noticeable mistake. 

Day 16-

There comes a time for every writer and knitter to erase and start over. 

For writers on a computer the delete button becomes the way out of a muddle. To see the word, the sentence, even the whole page disappear is a blessing. Thankfully, my software program does have an undo link in case that delete button was held down too long. There are versions to my novel. Periodically I print off the chapters and finally the whole first draft of my book. When it's time to rewrite I can go back and read the first version to make sure my new version is better.

In knitting the there is no delete button. To go back to the place before the mistake, you must 'Frog'.

Sometimes when a mistake happens in your knitting and you don't notice it for a long time, you have to rip out many rows, a process known as frogging.

In crochet as well as in knitting, the term "frogging" refers to pulling your yarn stitches out. Confused as to what frogs have to do with that? It's because when we frog something made of yarn or thread, we "rip-it, rip-it" apart!

To pull the stitches of a garment out when it has taken hours and hours to create is depressing. But, I must say I've never been sorry later. The mistake would have become the main event if I'd let it be. 

It is gut-renching when you delete or frog but the finished product is well worth the effort of starting over and fixing the problem.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it can be hard to delete or undo our work, but it is worth it to make the end result better!


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