Thursday, October 31, 2019

Is Like Summary

31 Days Of October

I am a work in progress but these adult learning pursuits bring me joy and comfort.

Day 31-

Writing a novel is like learning to knit in so many ways. I hope my 31 posts have given you a sense of how that is true for me. It is true for me in three general ways.
  1. I have discovered that the characteristics of a good learner apply to every new pursuit and can multiply if one keeps trying new things. Tenacity and resilience are two of those characteristics which have carried over from learning to write to learning to knit.
  2. Every new learning pursuit requires patience to endure the basics. I had to practice the knit and purl stitch first even as I had to analyze what makes a good sentence.
  3. The third way is more ethereal. I wrote about it the morning I finished the first draft of Rubato. It has to do with having faith in receiving help from a divine source. 
                                                                  There is a reservoir
of ability
hidden from view.
When you apply faith
that the reservoir is there
it begins to vibrate.
The vibrations allow you
to move forward,
if you dismiss the voice of doubt,
and they fill you 
with ability
not wholly your own.

Those vibrations are power. I know the source. It astounds me that I can feel it doing something as crafty as knitting a scarf. God teaches how to learn and every lesson builds on a scaffold of a divine path back to him.

Thank you for using your precious time to read my words. 

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  1. Yes, I want my children to know this that the lessons they are learning while at school can transfer to a lifestyle of learning. I never want them to stop learning. I also want to be a lifelong learner. I hope you have a lovely day!

  2. Well done! We've made it to the end of another 31 Days! I've enjoyed your posts -this has been a great idea for a series and I don't think we should ever stop learning.


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