Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The First Chemo Infusion

Day 15-
Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous. - Brene Brown


                                         I didn’t want to look.
                                         I anticipated illness,
                                         and my hands shook.
                                  Did I really have to witness?

                                     All around me in chairs
                               Men and women, young and old
                                    Sat, tethered, with no hair.
                               Instead of frail, most looked bold.

                         The sun streamed through the windows
                                    The treetops bowed just so
                             They gave their strength to heroes
                                     Who needed that to grow.

                                 Instead of tragedy and pain,
                                         I witnessed tenacity. 
                             Instead of hearing them complain,
                                         I saw more capacity.

                                            To see beauty here
                                   I had to be willing to be a seer.

My first chemo treatment was a lesson in embracing vulnerability.


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