Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blocking Your Work

31 Days In October

Take a listen and if you appreciate the amazing sound you will understand why it's important to me that in my fictional story this loose end gets woven in.

Day 29-
You've woven in the ends of your knitting, the garment fits, so you're done, right?
Hmm....there's one more step.
My daughter, whose birthday is today, has proven to me that giving your wool a little bath in some special soap is a most important last step. The bath helps the fibers relax.
Then gently squeeze out the excess water, lay it flat, and roll it in a thirsty towel.
Now you can lay it out and pin it to the desired shape. With blocking you might be able to slightly enlarge your garment, or straighten up an irregular edge, or convince your wool to become united with it's neighbor fibers. The whole process of washing and blocking is so worth the trouble.

Now let's compare this element of blocking to formatting my book as the editing continues. I like the term 'justify the lines of text'. The paragraph indentations need to be consistent for an easy read; the spaces between words and punctuation exact. We use the word justify in a religious context, too. If I come into alignment with God I am justified by the Grace of Jesus Christ.

Take the time to bring both your knitting project and writing project into alignment with your expectations.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying this series - hard to believe we're almost at the end of another 31 Days! I've just signed up for your newsletter.


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